Sesame Oil

Chekko Sesame Oil is a sweet tasting oil that retains the natural goodness of sesame as it is processed using traditional cold press methods without additional of any chemicals or harmful solvents.
At present, traditionally extracted oils are considered as old fashioned! Refined oil & Olive oil are preferred more and considered more superior than Sesame oil. But Sesame Oil is in no way inferior, both olive oil & sesame oil are mono-unsaturated, cold-pressed and has similar health benefits. So, there is no need to substitute imported olive oil in our recipes and compromise on the taste of our tangy vathakuzhambu and idli milagaipodi! Sesame oil is purposefully named as Nallennai, proving that it is good and good only!
Chekko Sesame oil is high in Vitamin-E, low in saturated fat and completely free form trans-fats that are unhealthy. The Chekko Sesame Oil has good amount of mono unsaturated and poly unsaturated fats that gives them the unique taste and colour. Chekko Sesame Oil is ideal for taking oil-bath.
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